Learn about a sport that is only going to continue to gain popularity. . .VOLLEYBALL!
Volleyball is a very fun and popular sport that can be played on the beach or the court! The history of volleyball is not complex, however it is unique because the sport combines baseball, handball, tennis, and basketball. It is like all your favorite sports in just ONE!
William G. Morgan is credited with the invention of volleyball in 1895. He worked as the physical director at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), and examined different sports to determine aspects that he believed matched his ideas best. Morgan wanted to create an alternative game for individuals who thought basketball was too demanding or strenuous.
So, the ball came from baske’tball, the use of hands from hand ball, and the net from…yup you guessed it, tennis! After coming up with the basis of the sport, Morgan introduced his new creation, first called mintonette, to the YMCA Physical Director’s Conference.
Although there was no fixed format or rules, the sport won over the representatives and became a part of the YMCA’s broad network all over the USA. The name also was changed to volleyball. Soon after, the game began to take off and rules and game play became more established.
Source: https://olympics.com/en/news/what-history-volleyball-game-origin-mintonette-ymca-fivb-olympics

Game Play
Even though volleyball is a combination of several sports, it still has its own rules and game play making it a fun sport to watch and play.
Volleyball is a team sport that is played on a rectangular court between two teams of six players each. The positions include middle blocker, opposite hitter, outside hitter, libero, serving specialist, and setter.
Volleyball does not have a time limit, however it is typically made up of three or five sets. Each set is played to 25 points, except the last set is to 15 points for both a 3 or 5 set match. Teams also must win by 2 points at least. The first team to win the majority of sets wins the match!
The game starts when a player serves the ball over the net to the other team. The receiving team then is responsible for returning the ball back over the net with only three hits or less. If the ball touches the court at any point while it is in play then the other team gets a point.
Some of the must know rules of volleyball are as follows:
A point is made on every serve for the team who wins the rally.
Players rotate in a clockwise direction whenever the receiving team secures the right to serve by winning a rally.
It is illegal to hit the ball two times in succession.
Players cannot catch, throw, or hold the ball.
Players are allowed to make contact with the ball with any part of their body.
The ball is considered to be out if it hits the floor outside the court lines, the referee pole or stand, the ceiling, or the net.
If the ball hits the boundary line then it is considered in.
If any of these rules are violated then the opposing team wins a point.
Overall, volleyball is a fast-paced sport that brings people together and requires teamwork, skill, and athleticism.

Let’s SERVE up some fun volleyball facts!
Volleyball used to be two words (volley ball) before it was switched to one word in 1952.
The first volleyball game was played in 1896 in Massachusetts.
Volleyball became an Olympic sport in 1964.
The first ball created specifically for this sport was in 1900.
Volleyball players typically jump around 300 times per match.
The longest recorded volleyball game lasted 75 hours and 30 minutes.
The Federation International de Volleyball became official in 1947.
Volleyball is considered the 6th most competitive sport in the world.
Source: https://www.volleywood.net/volleyball-features/music-style/10-fun-facts-about-volleyball/ and https://thefactfile.org/volleyball-facts/

Source: https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/ZBHLVGLTDRELDEL5EVSYORNDQQ.JPG
Joke of the Week!
Q: What do volleyball players do in their spare time?
A: Watch SPIKE TV and read Learn To Sports!