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Writer's pictureSumedha Shrestha

What is America’s Pastime?

Learn about the history, game play, and traditions of baseball


First and foremost, what is America's favorite pastime? I'm sure you've heard of it, but the sport is called baseball.

Baseball has been around since the mid-1800s and has developed significantly from the game we know and love today.

The Knickerbocker Base Ball Club, founded in New York City in 1845, is credited with laying the groundwork for the sport. The rules and game play advanced over time, and the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first professional sports club in baseball. The rest, as they say, is history!

The Major League Baseball (MLB) League is made up of 30 baseball teams, so you can choose which one to root for. Fair warning: only root for the Colorado Rockies if you enjoy having your heart broken.

Overall, the game, rules, and equipment have evolved significantly since the start, but baseball remains a prominent sport that captivates the attention of people all over the world.

Knickerbocker Base Ball Club

Game Play

Baseball is typically regarded as a boring sport to watch, but it is a lot more enjoyable when you understand what is going on. Here's a quick rundown of what the game entails.

A baseball game is played between two teams of nine players each. If the game is tied after nine innings, it will be decided in extra innings. There is a top of the inning and a bottom of the inning. During the top of the inning, the away team will always bat, while the home team will play in the field and try to prevent the other team from scoring. During the bottom of the inning, the teams switch places.

The game is played on a field with four bases. The bases are very cleverly named first base, second base, third base, and home plate. They are 90 feet apart, with each base positioned in a different corner to form a diamond shape. The pitcher's mound is located in the center of the diamond. The infield consists of the bases and the pitcher's mound. The portion of the field outside of the diamond form is referred to as the outfield.

During an inning, the pitcher throws the ball to a player on the opposing team. This player is standing at home plate to try and hit the baseball. The hitter tries to hit the ball to score a run. That player will then run around all the bases with the goal of running all the way back to home plate. If the player does this they score a run. However, if the ball is caught or can be thrown to first base before the batter reaches, the batter is out. A batter is also out if he strikes out or fails to hit the ball three times. Also in better terms, “for it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out, at the old ball game!”

Pretty similar to other sports, but the team with the higher score or in this case more runs will win the game.

These are only the basic rules of baseball; the game has many more regulations, but I hope you were able to comprehend the basic concept of the game to help you become a fan.
Baseball field labeled


Now we'll look at what makes baseball games so enjoyable to attend. Baseball games feature many long-standing traditions that take place at practically every game. The seventh-inning stretch, first pitch, snacks, and the wave are some of the most popular traditions.

The seventh-inning stretch is always a lot of fun since the crowd sings the iconic "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" in the middle of the inning. This is where the audience can stretch their legs and sing along to this classic baseball song.

During a baseball game, the first pitch is usually when a noteworthy person tosses out the ceremonial first pitch of the game to signal the start of the game.

You've probably seen sunflower seeds, peanuts, and gum at a baseball game before. However, not only do fans consume these snacks, but you will occasionally witness players munching on these delicacies on the field. This has been a long tradition to help players focus and relax.

The wave is a popular ritual at baseball games, though it can be seen at other sports as well. Because the game can last so long, this allows the fans to do something fun with the rest of the crowd. Although I'm not sure how much the players enjoy this tradition.

Fans participating in the 7th inning stretch at Coors Field


Trust me this information was not straight out of left field. The significance of this game is enormous throughout the country. It reflects and contributes to America's history and culture. People are drawn in by this game for a variety of reasons. So, I hope you learnt something new or gained a better grasp of baseball to become a new or stronger fan.

Joke of the Week!

Q: What did the baseball glove say to the ball?

A: Catch ya next week for another blog post!


Source: All images taken by Sumedha at various baseball ballparks

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